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The Rebirth Cycle

The Rebirth Cycle

Regular price $77.77 AUD
Regular price Sale price $77.77 AUD
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The Ancient Tree Beings have asked me to release the Rebirth Cycle for humanity.

This trinity is a powerful, transformative space held my the Ancient Beings.

You will receive

  • 3 potent chaneled video transmissions with:
  • The Myrrh Tree - Initiation
  • The Baobab Tree - Inner Feeling
  • The Eucalyptus Tree - Healing

The Rebirth Cycle will transform you life like nothing i have personally experienced before.

It will shatter your inside and outside worlds to cleanse what no longer is needed and to take you through a rebirth back to your true essence. Who you truly are.

You will receive many profound awarenesses. Blocks will be reveal that will require further healing as you start to walk the path of your souls purpose. Your physical being will start adjusting as you integration this remembrance of your birth right. You will receive clarity for your next steps.

Your unique light

You will connect deeper with your higher self and many other Beings of Light

Once purchased, you will gain instant access to:

  • The 3 Ancient Tree Beings channeled video Transmissions
  • How to created a Sacred Space before journey with the Ancient Beings
  • How to work with the Tree Medicine
  • My personal journey receiving their potent medicine


Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman

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