The Ancient Tree Beings
The Ancient Tree Beings
I Welcome you to this Sacred Space
A journey like no other
We are diving deep into the Teachings from these Ancient Beings who have been here for billions of years
Not only on Planet Earth ~ but found through out several star systems
These beings have incarnated on Mother Earth as they knew this time would come
A time where humanity would start to reawaken and remember who they truly are!
They agreed to guide us back to our true essence
Back to Source
To remember the power within us ~ the LOVE within us ~ the wisdom that we hold within our souls!
This is a 12 month Journey of your soul
Through out the 12 month journey we will
- Work with 46 Ancient Tree Beings to receive their teachings
- Be guided on journeys back to the true essence of our souls
- Remember the LOVE within us
- Open up our heart spaces
- Be reawaken
- Cellular Activation's
- Retrieve soul keys
- Have an understanding of our purpose here on Earth this lifetime
- Activate our own gifts
- Travel inter-dimensional
- Meet with several beings of Light
- Multitude of healings
- Receive Tree Medicine
I am honoured to hold this space for you!
There is much of your soul to be explored
As soon as you open the doors to this sacred space ~ The Ancient Beings will join you ~ their medicine is so potent
This is a Self Paced Journey
With many blessings & Love
Allison ~ The Ancient Mer