We often forget how energies work and that we are energy beings. Babies and Toddlers mainly communicate with us through energy (as they haven’t yet learnt how to speak).
As a mother, it honestly blows my mind to watch the transformation in my toddler after an energy clearing session! Even my husband will look at me in disbelief.
To explain a little further a situation, a few days ago, Enzo was just loosing it. Didn’t want to be put down. Crying over everything. I literally did not get a break! He wouldn’t walk. As soon as I told him to sit down at the table would ball his eyes out. Literally a day full of tantrums, tears and next level exhaustion for me! I was counting down the secs till hubby got home! Just so I could breathe.
That night I did an energy clearing on him whilst he slept.
He slept all night (normally wakes up a few times).
In the morning, we woke up to smiles and kisses. He was back to his happy curious loving self! Ready for adventure!
If your struggling with a little one and want to try something different or know someone who needs a little support, book in a consult.
I got your mumma