Please Read before doing the Meditations

Meditations are a powerful way to receive healings, clarity, love and freqencies. As we are working with energies, please be mindful of what you do after entering into the meditations. I highly recommend that after each meditation you allow for an integration period.

Ground yourself in nature. This will support in anchoring in the transmission and healing

Drink double water intake - allowing your body to clear out any densities

Emotions ~ please be aware, you may experience periods of feeling super light or low. If you are experience any lower feelings.. this can be part of the releasing/healing process as we do release from feeling our emotions especially if they have beens stuck within the cellular memories. If this is the case, please ensure you have more rest time, spend more time in nature (as its a natural healer/cleanser/transmuter)

Integration of transmissions can take 2-3 days to fully integrate. If you not follow the above integration processes it may take weeks or months to fully integration.

It is all in your hands beautiful soul

Beautiful Soul

I truly hope these transmissions have deeply connected you to your soul. I hope you have receive what you needed too from this space.

If you would like to dive deeper and join the 5 week journey click the button below to learn more or complete the form. Intake is max out for 7 people only

With Oceans of Love & Blessings