It is time to reconnect with your team
- Do you feel your guides around you?
- Do you want to receive deeper wisdom?
- Have your questions answered?
- Connect with your Higher Self?
- Understand your path and purpose?
- Remember your gifts and how to activate them?
- Are you ready to embody who you truly are?
- To support your clients on a deeper level?
Are you READY?

Welcome to this unique course of connecting with your Spiritual Guides and Mentors.
These light beings have been waiting for you to finally say YES! I AM READY!
This course is based on several years of experience and learnings of connecting with my spiritual team.
Now they have prepared me to create this workshop containing 4 foundational modules to ensure your connection with your guides is pure and clear.
There are many of you now being called to take your mantle and step into your purpose. For some of you this could feel scary as you many be unsure how to do this. Or possibly dont want to feel alone in the process.
What if i can share with you all my experience and knowledge on connecting with your guides and how it can shift your life into a more empowered and confident reality.
To activate a remembrance of who you truly are
They have told me it is time!
We find ourselves at a huge transition period for Mother Earth and Humanities Consciousness.
And so the call for many lightworkers, Starseeds and Healers have chosen to incarnate in this timeline to support in this great shift.
But incarnating on Earth hasnt been the experience you were expecting.
You may have forgotten the true power that lies within you. You may have closed your large heart from bring hurt so many times. You may have experienced regular feelings of being alone, abandoned, uncertain of what is next.
Allow me to restore your faith as i connect you to your loving team of guides that have never left you.
As you deepen your connection with your higher self and team, your path and purpose will be revealed. Your gifts may be re-activated. You will remember how power you are. That you are a created of your reality. That the wisdom and keys to this transition lies within you.

Connecting with Spirit Guides is so transformational in every aspect of your life.
This course is for you if:
- You want to feel more confident and empower in your daily life.
- Have deeper understanding in your own healing practises (for yourself and clients).
- Developing your clair-senses.
- Experience transformation in all areas of your life – because YES you have guides and mentors that supports you in every area of your life!
- Deepen understanding of
how spirit guides are supporting you and lighting up your path. - You will learn how to become a bridge between Heaven and Earth!
- Connecting in with higher dimensions and realities as well as embodying that light in a physical body!
- Travel interdimensionally
- You will experience more happiness, peace, freedom and trust in life.
- Download wisdom
- Multiple activations
And of course, i must say if it in your highest path way to do so.
Next Applications will be open soon
This is a jammed pack 8 week journey!
I will be sharing the foundational teachings and practises that have helped me develop a clear and strong connection with my team of guides.
Each of the Modules will be held in a Sacred Temple Space guided by different Higher Dimensional Beings including Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters, Celestial Beings, Mother Earth.
1. SPIRIT GUIDES - deepen our understanding of who our guides are, why they was supporting us, why we want to connect. Why we cant see them in this 3D reality. Explore the different dimensions. The Blue Print.
- Temple Space held by all Thoth - Isis - Archangel Michael - Archangel Gabriel - The Pleiades - Solar Angel - The Divine -
2. HIGHER SELF - attuning yourself deeply with your higher self. Understanding the importance of your Higher Self. Astral travel talks. How to embody your higher self
- Temple Space held by your Higher Council - your Soul -
3. PROTECTION & CLEARING ENERGY - Importance of protection. Understanding lower spirits, attachments and negative entities. Importance of clearing your energy. How to clear your energy.
- Temple space held by Archangel Michael - Hathor - Ocean Kingdom -
4. GROUNDING & INTEGRATION - What is grounding and why is it important when connecting with your guides. Understanding the integration process and its importance when downloading information and ascending into higher consciousness.
- Temple space held by Mother Earth - The Tree Beings -
There will be 3 options available:
1. Self Paced
2. Live Ceremonies
3. 1-1 Sessions
Every Second week you will receive a Precorded Modules alongside Meditations, Mini Workshops and clearings to practise and integration
If you chose to journey this course live with me ~ we will be meeting up every other week for a live Ceremony. This space will be to practise the teachings, ask questions, meet our guides and share experiences, receive healing, remove blockages and so much more. If you cant make the live, you can always email me any questions you may have and i will answer them in this space and upload the live ceremony once ended.
Private sessions will give you safe space to:
- Clear any blockages you are experiencing thats preventing you from connecting with your guides
- Speed up your connection
- Allow you to feel more safe and comfortable in connecting with them
- Build your confidence
- Space to share your experiences
- Receive channeled messages and clarity
- Have support as you start to receive downloads and upgrades
- Ask as many questions and have them answered during your transition
- Have support in activating your gifts
- Meet your guides in a space you feel safe and protected
- Build an understanding of the different types of guides on your team and their purpose
- Deeper activations (including your clairsenses) that are personalised for you
- Unlock keys within
- Heal your multidimensional bodies
- Aspect therapy - healing past lives
- Open your chanelling system
Why chose me to guide you
I have been working with my guides since I’ve been born. I
have many experiences even as a baby that I still remember to this day and still doesn’t make logical sense....
I was living what I consider a ‘happy’ life. I was an Accountant
working for a massive Corporation and doing more then the 9-5. Coming home around 7pm having dinner, then shower then trying to do some me time.. which never really happened as I was a very social being and many people who come and visit 😊 My weekends was fill with house work, family obligations and events.I was barely living life!
Then in 2018 - i stripped away everything I knew in my
external and internal worlds. I actually made myself so sick (to the point I was seeing a cardiologist and a neurologist) from letting go of everything comfortable and stepping into the unknown the flow of life....
I now understand this time in my life, allowed me to open
up to receiving their messages loud and clear. They showed me there is more to life then working for a career that didn’t fulfill me.That my purpose was much different.
I now understood that I am bridge between Heaven and Earth.
...My purpose is to hold space for multidimensional beings to
come down and create shifts within people and Mother Earth. I am here to teach many things (haha coming soon..) so as humanity shifts they are ready for the keys to remember the power, wisdom and love within them. To remember how
beautiful, brave and loved they are for incarnating during this powerful transition!
...I hold space for you to remember who you truly are.
I hold space for you to connect with your higher self and spiritual team so you too can fulfill you lifes purpose
Now, as I flow with life ~ I am so much happier! I have found the meaning of true and unconditional love. I receive clear and direct messages from my higher self and guides consistently and to a point where I no longer try and control my life in terms of love, career, finances and so forth. I know I am always supported! I now feel so safe to be who I really am!
I live a life of freedom, of happiness and LOVE and one of great fulfillment!
I would love to support you in remembering who you truly are. To connect you with your team of guides. For you to live a life of fulfillment.