Finding your soul purpose

Finding your soul purpose

Hi Beautiful Soul!


I want to share this story with you of how i came to find my soul purpose and actually start walking my divine path.


My Guides have really been around me since the day i was born. They are always around us. Guiding us and showing us the way.


But it wasn't until my late 20's that i really started working with them on another level.


I was always receiving signs from them, numbers, feathers, animal totems appearing, symbols, music, you name it! I even experience multiple visions that didnt make sense to me aswell heard voices from the ocean speaking.


(Yes i did think many times that i was just going crazy)


However i stopped myself a lot due to the fear of what would happen. I also remember being uncertain of what would happen if i just let go of control.


It was a fear of the unknown within my logical brain that really slowed down my progress


But hey, i am here now on my Divine path in alignment with my soul purpose.




My guides really took me through alot of the teachings as an experience. I had to overcome alot and go through several different lessons. This was all to ensure my connection with them was strong and clear.

Finally, when i allowed myself to be in a state if flow. There was no resistance. And i saw one of my guides for my first time with my own eyes.


The message was so powerful.


Literally NEXT LEVEL!


Hathor really opened me up to understand my Soul Purpose and Mission here on Earth.


I am so grateful for this beautiful Ascended Master for coming into my life and really showing the path i choose.


Now i live a life full of faith and trust.


I am always supported financially.


I am living a life full of happiness.


I love being present in my body, in my experience of being here on Earth and most importantly for my son.


I am surrounded by so much love.


And i live in fulfillment on being of Service and doing what i came here to do


Literally my whole world has been so blessed and beautiful since my communion with my team of guides.


And so, i open space for you to now connect with your team.

For you to understand your soul purpose.




To step into alignment of your Divine Path


Click here to Dive Deeper with your Guides


Click here to watch my youtube video as i share more about how my guides showed me my Soul Mission


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