Current Offerings

Current Offerings

Access Consciousness Bars
Access BARS - Create more awareness.
Create the life you want.
Be more of YOU!
Access BARS is a hands on body process which works by gently touching 32 points on the head to dissipate the electro-magnetic charge locked in our brains by stress, thoughts, feelings and emotions. By getting your BARS run, you can create more awareness, more gratitude, kindness, easier communication and so much more!
Access BARS has assisted thousands of people to improve many aspects of their body and life including anxiety, depression, stress, weight, money, sex, relationships - just to name a few.
Access Energetic Facelift
The Access Energetic Facelift gives the body a chance to move and transform a lot of the limiting energies and judgments that get locked in our face, head, chest, and body.
A dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process, the facelift can deepen and quicken the body’s natural healing capacities.
The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body. The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.
Ancient Quantum Healing

Welcome to a space that is not held in the dimensions of time

Where instantaneously healing can occur

During one of own meditations ~ i was bought into a past life where a remembrance my gifts was found. It was such a powerful experience.

I saw myself in a temple, where people would come and visit to receive healing, activation's and deeper awakenings from the stars.

As i started bringing this into Earth's realm ~ i had invited a few people into my temple to experiment what would happen. And to my own surprise, these people experienced extraordinary outcomes.

From instantaneous healing, to deeper connection with the Divine, to finding their purpose and so much more.

This session is an invitation to a deeper connection with yourself. With your heart. And with your purpose.


Channeled Card Readings

In a place where time is less, this gives you the opportunity to be guided on your spiritual journey.

If your feeling lost, confused, or just don't know what direction to take in any area of your life, Oracle cards will help you heal, provide you guidance and light up the way.

My readings are channeled by connecting with you, your higher self and your spiritual team. Through this, i receive messages, wisdom and love to pass over to you.

Working only with the present energies at play - the more information i have the more clarity i can provide in regards to your query - what i want to know is what you want out of this read.

Of course all is dependent if you are willing to share, if not the reading will tell you what you need to know.

The reading will be recorded via video or written ~ depending on how i am being asked to pass over the messages and guidance.

This reading if not for you if you wish to know the future! This reading is purely for guidance and healing on your current path.


Light Language

Your souls language
Light language by passes the cognitive thinking of your mind and directly communications with your soul. It works deeply on a cellular and DNA level. At the start it may seem a bit strange listening to a different language or tone but then there is a sense of calm, a sense of knowing who this language is, a sense of comfort and love, it feels familiar.
Its like you have heard it before but not sure where. And to be fair, you probably have heard in it before you incarnated as a human on this Earth.
If this is sending you tingles, there are messages you need to receive
Through light language, i channel your soul and your guides held from the 8th dimension and higher realms. Through this channeling you may receive:
~ Activations
~ Soul rememberings
~ Clearings
~ Entity Clearings
~ Awakenings
~ Keys for wisdom
~ Clear old programming from past lives and current live
and so much more...
Reiki Healing
"Loving Hands Healing"

Sometimes we just need space to receive, to be loved, nurture and heal.

Life today is so busy. With the demands of the outside world, we are finding less and less time for ourselves and experiencing burnouts, exhaustion, tension in the physical body. This in turn affects our emotional body and in turn affects our spiritual body.

We start to feel disconnected.

Reiki is a beautiful energy healing technique where the i channel the universal life force energy down from the heavens through to the you ~ allowing you to relax and receive. Some people believe that Reiki focuses on healing your main chakras centres and bringing them back to balance. Even though this is true, Reiki healing is so much more intelligent than we can even fathom.

It’s healing capacities can range from not only emotional, physical and spiritual bodies but can also open up and activate your blueprints, provide deeper understandings, bring more calm and clarity into your life, open up your heart space for more love and light, reduce the amounts of stress and anxiety. These are just to name a few.

The session is powerful and beautiful bringing back a connection to you.

What to expect?
This can be a hands on or hands off process, where by there will be a series of hand placements around your body and chakras. During this time i will invite you into a state of relaxation and allowance for you to receive. As i channel the universal life force energy into your body, you may or may not experience warmth, cold, tingling sensations, belly rumbles and many other feelings during and after a session. Every session you experience is different.

What is distance Reiki and does it work?
Distance Reiki is the same as a normal session however does not involve being in the same room. And YES it does work haha.
Prior to becoming a Usui Reiki Practitioner, i used to receive distance Reiki when i was unable to see my beautiful lady in person. AND this was being sent from a lady Canada :D The sessions were just as powerful as being there in person. The best way to make logical sense of it, is to consider "how wifi works" or even "how the sun's energy can make plants grow?" Once you have an understanding of how energy works, its easier to under how distance Reiki works. However you don't need to understand for you to receive Reiki :) Through distance Reiki, i will connect with you energetically and use symbols for healing.

What type of Reiki will you receive?
I am qualified in Usui Reiki and Sechiem Reiki.
Usui Reiki is a Japanese Ancient Tradition past down from Dr. Mikao Usui into all corners of the Earth. Sechiem Reiki drives from Ancient Egypt and was received by Patrick Zeigler. The main difference between Usui Reiki and Sechiem Reiki is there origination and the use of sacred symbols for healing.
When i connect with you during the session, i will intuitively use both methods.
The Liquid Trees
The keepers of Love
These magnificent beings are the keepers of love for this planet.
Showing us the way to remembrance.
They don't require much from us other than our acknowledge. They too are doing some of the powerful work here on Earth! They too decided to incarnate on this planet for millions and trillions of years.
To bring their medicine to you.
To bring their wisdom to you.
To bring their love to you.
This is a powerful, loving session where we will work with creating an understanding of your purpose, shadow and higher purpose.
We will work with the trees to receive messages, healing's and so much more.
This is an hour long journey full of excitement, love, healing.
The session:
~ Discussion of your purpose, shadow and higher purpose from the wisdom of the Trees
~ Meditation to connect and receive deep insights and healing's
~ Connection to the Trees
~ Awareness and clarity of your purpose
~ Tree activation/s
~ 60 minutes held on zoom
This is a powerful and magical space! Connecting you back to the elemental's and the power, love and wisdom of the Trees.
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