It is time

Time to remember who you are

Allow me to guide you on a journey back to your true essences

Back to Source

Your connection to the True and Unconditional Love

Allow me to reawaken your gifts

So you can shine your light

You are so needed right now

You are so brave for being here

Thank you

I love you

Hey! I am Allison ♡

Welcome to this Sacred Temple Space

I have been on this beautiful journey for quiet a number of years, with many unexplained experiences happening to me since birth.

At the age of 13 - i knew i didn't belong here and closed everything down in order to 'fit in'. I just wanted to be normal.

My early 20s ~ My Higher Self and Guides were calling me back to remember who i truly am.

Then in 2018 - i was guided to take a leap of faith and let go of the old world i knew and to start walking the path i chose for this lifetime.

Now i am here, no longer afraid to shine my light as i guide you to remembering who you truly are.

More about me